Mandarin Monday: Looking for Common Household Items? Here Are Their Chinese Names

It’s true that living in a country where English is not the primary language is difficult. But that shouldn’t scare away newcomers in Beijing as staying here can be a learning experience. New expats, and even those who’ve been here for quite a time, mostly find it hard to find common household items in stores …

Mandarin Monday: Learn the Correct Character Stroke Order Using This App

Ask a Chinese guy on the street, “你知道多少汉字?” Nǐ zhīdào duōshǎo hànzì?  (How many Chinese characters do you know?) Chances are that person might say around 4,000 characters. That’s a lot! When you’re accustomed to a language that uses the alphabet (in any forms) as a writing system, memorizing and pronouncing words can be simple. Chinese is a logographic language (in …

Mandarin Monday: The HSK Cheat Sheet – 300 Words for Levels 1 and 2

When learning a new language, it is important to know basic greetings and words to help you get by. Of course, a wide vocabulary doesn’t come in an instant; it takes countless hours of reading, practicing, and immersing yourself with native speakers to grow. You might have heard that Chinese has thousands of characters … …

Mandarin Monday: Challenge Your Chinese Proficiency with These Game Apps

I have a good pictographic memory, and that makes it easier for me to remember Chinese characters. Recognizing them is just one thing; remembering their pinyin equivalents is another. And speaking them is a whole different level. These components of learning Chinese might be the ones that frighten off new learners, but of course there’s …