How These 30 Photos Defined My Third Year in China

It’s that time again to look back at the moments that made this year very special.

I celebrated both my third anniversary in China and second year in beijingkids on December 28. Reaching that point has been a challenge … but ok, it’s a cliche. Everyone else has had their own share of issues in 2018, but this year has helped me define one important aspect of living and working abroad: mental strength.

In an article on beijingkids, I talked about how practicing mindfulness should be a goal for many this 2019. It struck a big chord on me as this year has shaken my mental strength to the core – from personal issues all the way to career decisions. Just days before I began working on this article, I asked myself if I am ready to share all the struggles I faced in 2018 but then realized the sad stories and traumatic experiences are meant to be kept in the deepest vaults of my subconscious. Hiding those stories might mean they will feed the devils in me, though it can also remind me that somehow in my late 20s, I succeeded and I grew better.

I’m better than that. I’m beyond that. I’m more than that.

When I selected the 30 photos that best represent my 2018, I thought, “Oh, this year wasn’t that bad at all.” Though I traveled less this year, I still made or joined activities that focused more on the self and the mind. I experienced my “China days” where I wanted to say “fcuk ya” to every 坏人 huàirén who blocked my way. But they weren’t the problem; it’s the way I viewed the world that stressed me out. It’s the fcuking self-imposed expectations and the pursuit of perfection that stressed me out.

But reviewing my phone gallery was extremely satisfying, at least. It allowed me to remember the moments that defined my third year in China and reminded me to be always thankful no matter what.

Click each photo to see its caption.

Photos: Andy Penafuerte III

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