Beijing Bucket List: Futuristic Lights Extravaganza on Display in 798 Art District

Colorful lights are always a cheerful sight, but when they challenge your imagination and perception of reality, the experience can be remarkable and mesmerizing. Just such an eye-catching extravaganza with all things shining, shimmering, and splendid is on display at Pace Beijing in 798 Art District.
The teamLab: Living Digital Forest and Future Park is an immersive and interactive digital exhibition that gives visitors an exciting visual experience.
The lighting spectacle is the first major exhibition of teamLab in China and will run until October 10. “As a continuous exhibition, teamLab: Living Digital Forest and Future Park at Pace Beijing features fifteen of teamLab’s most representative works in the 1500 square meter exhibition space, bringing their unique artistic world of digital technology to Chinese audiences,” the multi-disciplinary art group said.
“This exhibition presents, for the first time, the large-scale interactive digital installation Flower Forest: Lost, Immersed and Reborn [which transforms] the structure of Pace Beijing into a synesthetic labyrinth that breaks the traditional experience of the visit,” it added.
In one of the spaces called the “Future Park,” children and other visitors can draw artworks which will float around giant LCD screens called Sketch Aquarium or Sketch Town. “The final artworks will be the result of everyone’s participation, and will be instantly interactive, showing children how rich, diverse and interconnected the world is.”
Beijingkids got a chance to see the display and despite a long wait to get in, it’s worth it, we must say.

A girl enjoys stepping on a digital “pond” full of shapes and colors.

One of the most awesome displays in the exhibit is the flickering Crystal Universe…

…that looks dreamy and magical when it changes colors.

The Connecting! Block Town is cool especially for kids because all the blocks change the layout of the digital village.

Going back to the long wait we mentioned above, pre-registration is needed prior to visiting the exhibition. We talked to the ticketing staff and they said they’re still testing several pre-registration systems. Click/tap here to buy an e-ticket (page in Chinese) or follow Pace Beijing’s WeChat (ID: pace_service) and click/tap the second menu bar 我要购票 (Wǒ yào gòu piào “I want to buy tickets”) then click/tap the first option 在线购票 (Zàixiàn gòu piào “Online ticket purchase”). It will re-direct you to a ticket purchase page. Visitors can also pay by cash upon arrival although the queue is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
There’s no toilet inside the exhibition space; the nearest one is a public toilet about a hundred meters away from Pace Beijing. Taking pictures and videos are allowed inside the exhibition. We recommend going there weekday mornings (the exhibition is closed every Monday) to avoid throngs of visitors and long queues.
Living Digital Forest and Future Park, Tue-Sat until Oct 10
All ages. RMB 80 (weekdays), RMB 150 (weekends). Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-6pm. Click/tap here for more details about the exhibition. Pace Beijing, 798 Art District, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区8502信箱

Photos: Andy Penafuerte
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Instagram: @coolkidandy

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