Chinese Challenge, Week 2: “Thank You for the Reminder!”
I normally don’t answer phone calls, but this one is an exception. It turns out I will learn another word from that conversation.
I normally don’t answer phone calls, but this one is an exception. It turns out I will learn another word from that conversation.
The first week of my challenge sees several words related to food – well, it’s because of a charity project I’m also co-organizing.
While our liking for shopping transcends the challenges of the language barrier, it doesn't hurt to know the many Chinese words related to supermarket runs.
For our new Mandarin Monday series, we take on a new challenge to improve our vocabularies.
The 10.3-km extension links Shijingshan District to the city's main transport arteries and helps accommodate more commuters from western suburbs.
If you’re at a loss where to find your driving force to learning Chinese, here are some proverbs that may help you in the journey.
The Russian native has an exceptional pictographic memory that helps her create detailed artworks.
Atelier mixes this Chinese art with mola, a handmade material with different patterns made by the Guna indigenous people of Colombia and Panama.
Start the year with a pledge to learn more words.
You might be celebrating now, but our task of learning Chinese doesn’t stop just yet.