How are you holding up, Andy? It’s the ninth day of your Pandemic Journal and you skipped H-day for your iPhone notes!
It’s 6.25pm Beijing time on April 10 and I’ve just finished my paid work. This week had been hellish because of the 3,000-word magazine profile that I wrote. I spent almost an entire day to write that one—and I submitted that unpolished. Whew. But it held up.
I am writing this entry straight from my Notes app on my iPhone. It’s been a while since I last used this app, because I‘m now using my website to document my pandemic experiences.
When I joined the Blogging from #AtoZChallenge, one of the first letters that I filled out was “I” – iPhone Notes. I wrote a total of four notes in January and February, and they documented the negative emotions I experienced on my hardest days in the pandemic. Since then, I have vowed never to open those notes until probably next year.
Taking notes is a requirement in my profession, and so I devised a lot of strategies to document my interviews. The best way is still my handy dandy notebook and a ball pen with an ink eraser (a life changing invention!). I rarely use my Notes app to take notes; I snap a pic of my notebook if I have to remember something or write a to-do on my Calendar app directly.
iPhone notes, however, had become a companion in those four dark days when I could not focus and became disoriented due to isolation. It was hard. But writing down those thoughts saved my sanity and helped me recover.
Going back to my notebook — it’s funny though that I’ve tried writing a journal on it, but I feel so lazy to do it. Plus I have been looking for the perfect notebook, but there isn’t that suits my preference. Dang. So all those crazy thoughts I have either get published, through my website or my articles, or get lost forever. I hope I can continue using my iPhone notes!
Photo: Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels